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Interfaith Worship Service at First Parish

People of all faiths and no faith are welcome to attend a special service from the First Parish of Malden with Reverend Otto O'Connor, offered hybrid - both online and in-person. The service will explore the themes of this year's Malden Reads book selection, "An American Sunrise" a collection of …


Poetry from Around the World

Please join us for an opportunity to hear poets from around the world share their work in both English and their native languages. Hosted by Malden Reads and the Chinese Culture Connection. This is a virtual event that will take place on Zoom.

Mini Writer’s Den: Song & Rap Writing!

3-part after-school workshop where Malden middle school students can learn and write about topics they're interested in. Zoom sessions on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm. Registration is open for all three workshops! Song & Rap dates: March 30, April 6, and April 13. Register here!